
what’s new in version 0.3

version 0.3 - 7/4/2023

Added ability to output custom header values.
Added ability to add an extension for every word in the wordlist.
Added ability to apply special filters to hide responses containing specific values (e.g., Content-Length: 0).
Added ability to output results in "lite mode" with no logo, no color, and complete URLs.
Added ability to exclude the use of the robots.txt file.
Fixed various bugs.

version 0.2

We added progress bar.
dirforce open a new connection with the server if the old one is closed.
the user can choose the http method.
the user can import the request from a file (in the file make sure to include the world PATH to replace it with the actual path and the world HOSTNAME).
the user can add suffixe and preffixe to every request in the begining or in the end of the world.
we added the help option.